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© CFTR "Club Français de la Tourterelle Rieuse" (photos and explanations)   

® 🇬🇧 Version of the French standard by Ariane Verticordia. It may have some translation errors (ex: varieties' names, but not genotype)

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White Doves:

01 Blanche_Blanc_oeil_noir.jpg

Bull-Eyed White (Blanche à œil noir)

Genotype: dw//, pi//pi

Overall appearance:
White dove with dark eyes. It’s a Pied dove resulting entirely White.

Head= White.
Neck-Band= White. Its presence can only be identified by a different feather implantation.
Beak= Light. The beak can be tinted or pencilled depending on the original pied colour (and parents).
Eye= Deep chestnut-red.
Breast= White.
Scapulars= White.

Flight feathers= White.
Tail= Fully white.

Defective whiteness, bad eye colour.

02 Blanche.jpg

White (Blanche)

Genotype: dw//

Overall appearance:
White dove with a light-beige neck-ring.

Head= White.
Neck-Ring= Light beige, regular and well marked.
Beak= Light to pinkish.
Eye= Orange to red.
Breast= White.
Scapulars= White.

Flight feathers= White.
Tail= White tail with the under tail base being light beige.

Parasitic colour on the mantle. Different colour of the neck band, eye colour too light, colour of the base of the tail-feathers not in conformity.

03 Blanche_neige.jpg

Snow White (Blanc Neige)

Genotype: dw//, gr//gr  or dw//, Fr//+ 

Overall appearance:
Immaculate white dove, like snow. Often taken for Albino but is not.

Albinos have pink eyes (Gen= al//al).

Head= White.
Neck-Band= White. Its presence can only be identified by a different feather implantation.
Beak= Light to pinkish.
Eye= Orange to red.
Breast= White.
Scapulars= Pure white.

Flight feathers= Pure white.
Tail= Fully white.

Defective whiteness, bad eye colour.


Cream White (Blanc Crème)

Genotype: dw//, ry//ry

Overall appearance:
Light cream-white dove with a visible beige neck-ring.

Head= Light creamy white.
Neck-Band= Light grey, regular and well marked.
Beak= Light to pinkish white beak.
Eye= Orange to red.
Breast= White.
Scapulars= Light cream.

Flight feathers= Light cream.
Tail= White with base of feathers beige.

Insufficient light cream colour, different colour of the neck band, bad eye colour, colour of the flight-feathers not conforming.


Albino (Albinos)

Genotype: al//al

Overall appearance:
Immaculate white dove due to albinism, white pink eyes and white beak.

Those doves are the most fragile and weak.

Head= White.
Neck-Band= White.
Beak= Whitish-pink beak.
Eye= Pink (red pupil+red iris=pink).
Breast= White.
Scapulars= White.

Flight feathers= White.
Tail= White.

Not recognized by the French standard. I don't know what are the possible defaults. Maybe too weak doves...

© Photos courtesy of The Dove Page

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